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If you need to lie down or are lacking concentration due to headaches or migraines, Book your appointment today

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At the Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic we are focussed on giving you the most up-to-date information and research on headaches and migraines. Click on the following links to learn more about headaches and migraines.


Understanding the Brainstem: Functions and Its Role in Headaches and Migraines

The human brain is a marvel of biological engineering. At its core lies the brainstem, […]

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Muscle Tightness in the Neck & Shoulders

  Neck and shoulder muscle tightness can be a large contributor to headache and migraine […]

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Brisbane Southside Clinic Services


Headache Related Neck and Shoulder Tightness

Neck and shoulder muscle tightness can be a large contributor to headache and migraine symptoms, meaning that it is imperative for this…

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Headaches and migraines can be triggered by exercise.


Headaches and Exercise

Headaches developing after exercise may be caused by a number of different factors or an underlying condition…

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Pain medication use can bring headaches


What are Medication Overuse Headaches?

Medication overuse headaches (MOH) are commonly suffered, and often precede diagnosis of chronic headaches.

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Sensitive Brainstem and Headache


What Could Be Causing A Sensitive Brainstem?

We understand that the brainstem is sensitive, therefore causing people to suffer from headaches and […]

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Man experiencing cluster headaches


Cluster Headaches. What Is The Cause?

What is Cluster Headache? The topic for today is a fairly large one; we are […]

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Drug-free, non-invasive treatment is available for migraine and headache sufferers


Medication Overuse May Increase Your Risk Of Developing Medication Overuse Headaches

Are you dependent on medications? Migraines can cause severe disability. According to Headache Australia, we can expect that…

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suboccipital muscles may be causing you headaches and migraines


Are Your Suboccipital Muscles Causing You Headaches & Migraines?

There are many muscles in the neck which support the weight of your head, and help stabilise the very mobile cervical joints…

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