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If you need to lie down or are lacking concentration due to headaches or migraines, Book your appointment today

Our Guarantee & Difference

Our Guarantee

The Sydney Headache and Migraine Clinic offers a guarantee on your first visit.

During your first consultation, if the headache clinician cannot find the cause of your condition, then you will not have to pay for the consultation.

Your headache clinician will then refer you to another health professional who can assess and determine the likely cause of your condition.

Our guarantee means that you have nothing to lose by booking your first consultation.

Terms and Condition:

  • This guarantee only applies for the first consultation and cannot be claimed for any sessions after the first visit.
  • Any claim must be made immediately after the end of your first consultation and cannot be claimed for any session thereafter.
  • If we determine that we are unable to treat you, we will endeavour to refer you to another health professional.
  • If you paid for your initial consultation upfront, you will be reimbursed using your same payment method.

Click on the following links to learn more about The Sydney Headache and Migraine Clinic™.


Our Difference

Imagine living a life free of headaches and migraines. Imagine saying goodbye to the countless need of medication. These results are all achievable and patients who receive treatment at The Sydney Headache and Migraine clinic™ have gained these exact results.

You should expect a significant improvement within your first 6 treatment sessions.

Tools for managing migraines.Our Prevent Headaches4Life results recovery plan helps you to avoid relying on medication helps you to avoid relying on endless ongoing treatment, and helps you to rely on yourself to self-manage your own condition with the new knowledge we instill in you.

Our approach to treatment is unique and different. You may have a familiar story to all our patients and have tried chiropractor, physiotherapy, massage, cortisone/botox injections, acupuncture and a handful of medications with only a short-term relief. Here at The Sydney Headache and Migraine Clinic™, you can expect our treatment to have long term results and the potential of living a life free of headaches and migraines without the need of constant medication.

To gain your recovery today contact us on 1800HEADACHE (toll free)

Common Headaches Treated

The Assessment

Phase 1

Accurately diagnose your condition for effective treatment

The Treatment

Phase 2

Experience the latest treatment methods that are evidence-based

The Results

Phase 3

A life free from migraines or headaches is now proven possible

The Difference

Phase 4

A medication-free solution that treats the cause not the symptons

Call for relief  1800 HEADACHE

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