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I Suffer From Migraine Headaches

Migraine Headache Treatment

“Migraine is ranked the top three most prevalent disorder in the world, and the top seventh-highest causes of disability worldwide.“

According to the International Headache Society, a migraine attack usually occurs on one side of the head, although the side may change from episode to episode. The pain intensity can range from moderate to severe with a pulsating and throbbing-like pain. It can cause nausea and vomiting as well as, sensitivity to light, smell and sound during an attack. Migraines can last anywhere between 4 hours to 3 days and can leave those disabled and bedridden during an attack.

Read more below about how migraine headache treatment is effective in alleviating or dramatically reducing migraines in 85-90% of sufferers.

Understanding Your Migraine

The types of Migraine Headache

There are many different types of migraines which sufferers are often incorrectly diagnosed. It is important that your symptoms are thoroughly assessed in order to obtain a correct diagnosis. From thereon, your migraines can be accurately treated and managed. Click below to read about the common types of migraines and their symptoms.

Chronic Daily Headache - Sydney Headache & Migraine Clinic

Understanding Your Headache

What is the cause of Migraine Headaches?

The traditional, though outdated theory of migraines and how migraines occur was originally thought to be dilatation of the blood vessels (relaxation and expansion of the blood vessels that allows for increased blood flow) inside the head to cause an increase in blood flow to the head. This old theory was thought to be interpreted as damaging, and therefore pain, in the form of a migraine-like pain. This theory, however, has been debunked in more recent research, as the changes in blood flow are insignificant and minimal, and is considered unrealistic to apply the symptoms of Migraine with such a small change in blood flow. Hence, the old theory of migraines being a vascular issue has been proven false.

Discoveries within recent research have found the primary contributing factor to be related to the neck, predominantly a fault in the upper cervical spine resulting in a SENSITISED BRAINSTEM. A sensitised brainstem and more importantly, a sensitised trigeminal cervical nucleus, has been shown to be the cause in pain reproduction to the head.  This indicates migraines are due to a neurological disorder rather than a vascular disorder. Clinicians around the world are now pointing to the neck as the cause of migraines and are now treating the cervical spine rather than prescribing medications

About The Assessment Stage

What To Expect During The Assessment

1. Comprehensive and in-depth examination

We instigate an in-depth assessment to identify all possible related factors that could be causing your headaches or migraines. The upper cervical spine, in particular, is thoroughly examined to identify possible issues.

2. Ligamental stability and vertebral arterial tests

We undertake careful examination of neck ligaments and vertebral arteries, ensuring only the highest standards of patient safety and comfort.

3. Temporarily reproduce your headache and migraine symptoms

As a part of the treatment process, we apply gentle and selective stress to the upper cervical spine in order to reproduce headache symptoms, which subside after 20-30 seconds. This helps to identify and treat the cause of your headaches.

More about Migraine Headaches

Migraine with Aura

In many sufferers, migraines can also be accompanied by ‘aura’. Aura is the term used to describe the gradual development of neurological symptoms, which precedes a migraine attack. It lasts from 20-30 minutes, followed by the main attack.

Symptoms may include:

– Altered vision with flickering lights, dark or white spots, lines, waves, or in some cases temporary loss of vision
– Sensory symptoms such as a burning or prickling sensation, or loss of sensation
– Speech disturbances
– Nausea and or vomiting
– Sensitive to light, sound and smell
– Abnormal sensation, weakness or numbness down one side of the face or body
– Confusion

Migraine without Aura

Migraine without aura occurs in approximately 70-90% of people with migraines. This refers to a migraine attack without visual disturbances such as flickering lights, colourful lines, dark or white spots, or temporary vision loss. These attacks will usually occur without warning and pain is usually felt on one side of the head.

Symptoms may include:

– Nausea and or vomiting
– Confusion
– Mood changes
– Fatigue
– Sensitivity to light, sound or smell
– Diarrhoea

Migraine without Headache (Silent Migraine)

Migraine without headache, as the title suggests are for those who suffer with the associated migraine symptoms, however without any typical head pain or headache. This indicates that the actual pain in the head is completely absent. Although the headache pain is absent, a migraine without headache can still be debilitating due to the other side effects it comes with.

Symptoms may include:

– Altered vision with flickering lights, dark or white spots, lines, waves, or in some cases temporary loss of vision
– Speech disturbances
– Nausea and or vomiting
– Sensitive to light, sound and smell
– Abnormal sensation, weakness or numbness down one side of the face or body
– Confusion
– Mood changes
– Fatigue
– Diarrhoea

Chronic Migraine

Chronic migraine is classified by having migraine and headache attacks more than 15 days per month, for more than 3 months in a row. Of these attacks, at least 8 require to be migraines, and other attacks can be other forms of headaches such as tension-type headache. These migraines can be with or without aura, and are usually disabling due to the frequency of attacks per month.

Episodic Migraine

Episodic Migraine is classified by having migraines and headache attacks less than 15 days per month. These migraines can be with or without aura, and are usually disabling due to the frequency of attacks per month. Including both episodic and chronic migraines, it affects approximately 14% of the world’s population and up to 18% of women.

Migraine with Brainstem Aura (Basilar-Type Migraine)

Migraine with Brainstem aura occurs more commonly in children and adolescents. It most often occurs in teenage girls and can be associated with the commencement of their menstruation. This migraine includes ‘Migraine with Aura’ symptoms, and usually originates from the brainstem, without the symptoms of motor weakness (muscle weakness). Due to the origin of this disorder, it can affect the balance of that person with vestibular symptoms.

Symptoms may include:

– Dizziness
– Imbalance issues
– Vertigo
– Poor muscle coordination
– Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
– Fainting
– Temporary partial or total vision loss or double vision
– Throbbing pain on either side of the head

Hemiplegic Migraine

Hemiplegic migraine is a form of migraine that causes temporary paralysis to one side of the body. This usually occurs prior to or during a migraine attack, which can last from one hour to several days. During an attack the person will experience temporary weakness which can involve the face, arm or leg, and is usually accompanied by pins & needles or numbness. The attack can be terrifying as symptoms mimic and are similar to a person suffering from a stroke. The head pain can be similar to a typical migraine with aura, or at times be absent.

Symptoms may include:

– Vertigo
– Pricking or stabbing sensation
– Swallowing difficulties
– Speaking difficulties
– Confusion
– Weakness on one side of the body
– Temporary partial or total vision loss

I’ve already tried everything. What else can by done to treat my Migraine?

Treating your Migraine

Here at the Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic, we specialise in treating migraines. Therefore, we have a team that keeps up to date with the most recent research and applies the most effective treatments for our patients. We have seen many patients with chronic migraines and use world-class techniques in assessing and treating the neck. A thorough examination of the upper cervical spine is initiated to determine the severity of your sensitised brainstem. Our unique assessment procedure will determine the cause of your migraines, and identify whether your migraines are due to a sensitised brainstem.

If deemed appropriate and treatment commences, we expect a significant improvement to occur rapidly in 90% of our patients with Migraines, within the first 5 treatment consultations. We’re not in the business of giving false hope. If we don’t think our treatment can help you, we will let you know after the initial consultation. Our treatment is effective in alleviating or dramatically reducing migraines in 85-90% of sufferers.

Tools for managing migraines.
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