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If you need to lie down or are lacking concentration due to headaches or migraines, Book your appointment today

Fast Facts

How many sessions do I need to gain results?

In 90% of our patients you should expect a significant improvement within your first 6 treatment sessions.

Your initial 6 treatment lasts for only 2-3weeks to achieve desirable outcomes. A typical patient after finishing the initial block of treatment will then be seen a week later, then two weeks, then four weeks, eight weeks etc, or simply return if they feel they are regressing.

There will be no need for ongoing and countless treatment sessions as the results are achievable and achieved in the shortest amount of time.

How do I know this will work for me?

img_faqIf our clinicians can reproduce and reduce your exact headaches by applying selective stress in the upper cervical spine then we know you this will work for you.

In our case approximately 85-90% of those we assess. Once treatment commences we expect a significant improvement to occur quickly in 90% of our patients.

We expect to observe these changes within 6 treatment consultations. If there are no significant changes within the first 6 consultations we will cease treatment.

I have had countless treatments and medication with limited results. How is this different?

If our clinicians can reproduce and reduce your exact headaches by applying selective stress in the upper cervical spine then we know you this will work for you.You may have a familiar story to all our patients and have tried countless sessions of physiotherapy, chiropractor, massage, cortisone/botox injections, acupuncture and a handful of medications with only a short-term relief.

The difference is The Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic™ treats using primarily the Watson Headache® Approach. This approach is different to other treatment modalities in that it:

  • Has the ability to reproduce and reduce your exact headache pain
  • Treats the primary contributing factor causing your headache and migraine
  • Does not involve cracking, bouncing your neck joints nor simple massage techniques
  • Unquestionably shows whether your neck is involved or not
  • Aims to reduce your prescription of medication
  • Has a clear plan of action through our Optimal Health4Life recovery plan
  • Aims for you to self-manage your own headaches without the countless ends of treatments and medication
  • Involves an extensive assessment of your headaches to see whether you are fit for treatment to gain results

Will I receive long-term results or need ongoing treatment for the rest of my life?

The answer is Yes – you will receive long term results, and No – you will not need ongoing treatment for the rest of your life. After treatment you will have the knowledge and capability of self-managing your own headaches and migraines through simple and precise techniques you will learn from our clinicians.

Will this fix my headaches and migraines?

If you qualify for treatment through our extensive assessment – in our case approximately 85-90% of those we assess. We have a high probability of resolving your headaches. A fix is possible depending on how well you look after your condition between treatment consultations. Most of our patients report that their condition is fixed and only require a review every 6 or 12 months much like seeing a dentist once or twice a year for maintenance.


What should I prepare/bring before having my first consultation?

Here is a list of things to prepare before your first consultation. It is not necessary but will make your experience and the assessment phase more effective.

  • Wear appropriate clothing for easy access to the neck and back. A singlet or shirt is preferable. Patients wearing a collared shirt may need to be removed to allow access to the neck.
  • X-ray, scans, medical reports. This is not compulsory or required if you do not have any of these.
  • List of medications you are taking for your condition.
  • Headache diary or knowing your own headaches and migraines:
    • How often you headaches and migraines are
    • Where exactly your pain lies in you head/body
    • List any triggers that causes an attack
    • List any previous traumas specifically to your neck/spine/shoulders
    • List all family or relatives who also suffer from headaches and migraines to determine genetic inheritance

Where can I find out more information?

To access more information about headaches and migraines, or to better understand our methods of assessment, treatment or the possible results at The Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic make sure you visit our home page to find more information at

Alternatively you can call us on 1800 HEADACHE (1800 43 23 22) – We love talking headaches! Otherwise you can use the contact form page and we’ll contact you.

We can also help direct you to which is the official website of the Watson Headache Institute with further information regarding all headache types, treatment methodology, research and videos.

To gain your recovery today contact us on 1800HEADACHE (toll free)

Common Headaches Treated

The Assessment

Phase 1

Accurately diagnose your condition for effective treatment

The Treatment

Phase 2

Experience the latest treatment methods that are evidence-based

The Results

Phase 3

A life free from migraines or headaches is now proven possible

The Difference

Phase 4

A medication-free solution that treats the cause not the symptons

Call for relief  1800 HEADACHE

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