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Positional Headaches

Positional Headaches

What are Positional Headaches? Positional headaches are an uncomfortable type of headache that happens when you suddenly stand up or sit down. They can last for a short time, like 5 minutes, to 48 hours and usually the best relief is 20-30 minutes spent resting in...
Headache Related Neck and Shoulder Tightness

Headache Related Neck and Shoulder Tightness

  Neck and shoulder muscle tightness can be a large contributor to headache and migraine symptoms, meaning that it is imperative for this tightness to be addressed.  Watch the video below to see a demonstration of the above exercises by our Director Bertrand...
Headaches and Exercise

Headaches and Exercise

Headaches developing after exercise may be caused by a number of different factors or an underlying condition.What causes headaches after exercise?ExertionA primary exertion headache is one which is caused solely from exercise or over exerting and has no underlying...
Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD)

Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD)

Whiplash is a neck injury that occurs due to forceful back and forth movement, often due to a motor vehicle accident. This neck injury is commonly associated with more frequent headache occurrence. What is Whiplash Associated Disorder? Due to the forceful nature of...
Can Losing Weight Help With Migraines?

Can Losing Weight Help With Migraines?

Obesity is a condition classified as having a total body fat percentage of over 35% in females, and over 25% in males, according to the World Health Organization.1  One can agree that both headache sufferers and people with obesity experience negative impacts of their...
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