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If you need to lie down or are lacking concentration due to headaches or migraines, Book your appointment today

It is difficult to talk about migraines…

Speak Your Migraine depicts perfectly how migraines affect their work and social life. Watch this video to view the story of Jane and Helene.





What are migraines?Do people say that your migraines are “just a headache”?

Do they tell you these too?
… “Just lower the stress in your life.”
… “You don’t look sick.”

Migraine sufferers experience excruciating pain which can limit their daily lives, including their family interaction and work commitments.

Migraines are different from headaches, and they are real. it can be frustrating to explain migraines to someone who does not experience migraine attacks.

The following video shows what migraine sufferers go through when they experience an attack.

Click here to learn more about migraines.

It is important for migraine sufferers to have all the support they need.
If you are a sufferer or know someone who suffers from migraines, contact our headache clinicians for a careful assessment and early diagnosis of your condition.
? [email protected]
?1800HEADACHE (1800 43 23 32)
Imagine a life free from headaches and migraines.

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